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User ID : 58234

Услуги Образование Курсы
.English for you and your children.45 лари. (Батуми) 27 июля 2023
I am an experienced ESL teacher, with experience teaching private and group lessons, and online. I am passionate about teaching English, and I am friendly, patient and very encouraging. I especially enjoy teaching I"d love to help you! Every student is different, so every lesson is different. We can have a spoken conversation, or you can show me something you have written. I will correct and explain your mistakes and answer your questions. I will help you to learn and practice grammar, vocabulary, idioms and much more. I will recommend strategies, methods, books and websites that will help you to study and practice at home. I can help you to practice English for your job, an interview, your social life, exams or whatever you need.
Адрес: batumi
тел. +995 598 150 905 Anna Gromyko 
Услуги > Образование > Курсы

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